The Fall Tag đŸ

Hello and a happy Tuesday to all of y’all! Today I am sharing my answers to a tag that I was nominated for; It’s the ‘Fall Tag’! It was created by Maggie over at Dreaming of Guatemala and she just so happens to be the one that nominated me as well! Thank you Maggie ❤ The purpose behind this tag is to spread the joy that Fall brings! So, without further ado, let’s do this thing!

~The Fall Tag~


Put the tag badge and rules in your post.

Answer the 10 fall-related questions.

Tag at least 5 other bloggers to join in the fun!

img_4744What’s your favorite fall outfit? Well, I have an absolute favorite top that I think is perfect for fall, it’s kind of difficult to describe, so I decided to just add a picture. This has been my favorite fall-ish shirt for years! I paired it with some skinny jeans, boot socks, and boots.


 2.) What is fall weather like where you live? Well, that’s a sad story. Let’s just say it is currently 83 degrees and that is the coolest it’s been in a little while. #thatsfloridaforya BUT, good news! It seems like everyday it get closer to the wonderful weather I love, and for that I am super grateful 🙂

3.) Your favorite drink to have in the fall?  Herbal tea. Although I enjoy drinking it every season, it just feels so right in the fall! This year I really want to try some fall inspired flavors! WAIT! I also LOVE warm apple cider, it’s amazing!

4.) Does your family have any fall traditions? If so, what are they?  I really don’t think we do….unless you count Thanksgiving?! Then in that case, yes! We always have a big and delicious meal 😛

5.)What are some activities and events you enjoy going to in the fall months? An activity I really enjoy is taking photos, usually of my siblings! As for events, we really don’t go to too many, but in the past we have been to fall festivals/trunk or treats which I always enjoyed!

6.) What’s your favorite fall-scented candle? I am going to go with, ‘apple cinnamon’. It’s scent just gives me those autumn tingles, haha!

Image result for autumn tree7.) Tell us about one of your favorite fall memories.  One of my favorites was one from having a photo-shoot with 2 of my three siblings. We got into our most fall-ish clothing and began taking a bunch of pictures! I love looking back at them and laughing at all the amazing memories. The same day we made big piles of leaves to jump into! It’s funny, because we didn’t have many leaves, so we asked our lovely neighbors if we could take their leaves into our yard….let’s just say they were more than okay with it, haha!

8.) What are some fall movies you enjoy watching? Hmmm….I am not sure if I really know of any fall movies. I guess this could be a good time to mention some t.v. shows that I watch that have began a new season this fall though! There is: Heartland, Once Upon A Time, The Flash, and soon The Good Witch should be coming back!

9.)What’s your favorite fall treat? PUMPKIN PIE. No doubt. It’s the absolute best!

10.) If you celebrate Halloween, what is the best costume you’ve worn? I have had an array of costumes throughout my years, (I talk as if I have been around for a very long time, lol!) my dad used to make me AMAZING costumes when I was younger! But, for the sake of lending my memory a hand, I am going to choose something more recent, haha! I am going to say: a hula dancer. It was the most simple of my costumes, but it was the most comfortable! My second choice would be what I was last year-my made-up character, Bob. He is a man in his 30’s-40’s who is an auto mechanic. Don’t judge 😉

Well that is all of the questions! I hope you enjoyed reading! Now for the nominations:

Dancer 4 the King, beYOUtiful, Daughter of Grace

Typically Untypical Teen, A Farm Girl’s Life


Oh yes, one more nomination……YOU!

Tag you’re it!

If you decide to take part in this tag please leave a link in the comments so I can check it out ❤


Image result for fall leaf pictures



8 thoughts on “The Fall Tag đŸ

  1. Ahh I’m so happy that you joined in on this tag, girlie! ❤ I loved reading your answers. That fall-ish shirt of yours is beautiful! I also love doing photoshoots with my siblings; I just did one today actually, and we all enjoyed it! Haha your ‘Bob’ costume cracked me up – sounds like something I would have concocted when I was little when my brother and I would dress up with the things in our costume container. 😉

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